March 13, 2008

My Driven Experience

If I could go for a drive in any car and with any body I would go with Kanye West in the kind of cars he drives in to all the different cities and states he goes to. Me and Kanye riding down Atlanta in the hot sun blazing on the nice car and looking at all the tall buildings feels like summer will nerver end and us having lots of fun site seeing and enjoying the food we eat and also the people we see on the way to where ever we go.


Lady J said...

you like kanye west lol.... thats pretty funny why wouldnt you go with your boyfriend or best friend why a celebrity?.... but your adventure does sound fun specially the sight seeing part lol and love the car but not the color i like black lol.

I.Be.Will said...

that is really nice. You got to have a nice job if you are going to get that.